Efficiency and innovation are certainly two concepts that move and motivate us. In addition, they drive our society and open the door to a healthier and better future. That is why biogas plants are important, they simultaneously produce electricity and heat from renewable energy sources. This increases the diversification of electricity sources and the energy independence of the Republic of Croatia.

We have added another successful project to this list, the Cerna 1 MWel biogas plant. Turning to renewable energy sources directly protects our environment, and as a company that initiates such protection, we are especially pleased when a new green project like this comes to life.
Biogas plants as an energy source can use various forms of biomass such as silage of energy plants, and the content of greases and slurries. The process of anaerobic fermentation produces biogas from these biomasses, which is used by a biogas engine to produce electricity and heat.
The produced thermal energy is used in greenhouse heating systems, pasteurization, drying, biomass preparation, etc. In addition to biogas, anaerobic fermentation also produces digestate which is used to increase the quality of arable land.

Sizing results of equipment and facilities:
● Annual tank of solid energy (biomass) with a total volume of ~ 14000 m3
● Fermenter and post-fermenter of individual volume ~ 3850 m3
● Final fermentation tank with a volume of ~ 10800 m3
● Biogas engine with a generator with a total electric power of 1202 kWel and a thermal power of 1203 kWth
We are engaged as a contractor for mechanical works. In addition to the installation of the biogas engine (container version) and its accompanying equipment at the biogas production and preparation system, we designed and delivered a thermal substation for thermal energy distribution of the manufactured SKID version.