Sustainable development at ENISON d.o.o. pursues global sustainability goals, respecting our core values: quality, passion, openness. The main focus of the integrated environmental and energy management system remains on raising waste management efficiency and energy efficiency improvements. In the field of emissions, recycling, wastewater treatment and similar areas, we are working intensively and continuously to improve our respective system. We are aware that by carefully choosing raw materials, energy sources and packaging materials, we can significantly reduce the negative impact on the environment throughout the product life cycle. ENISON d.o.o. is a holder of ISO 14001 certification and takes very seriously the responsibilities assumed in compliance with this standard. In addition, we create a culture of creativity in the company and encourage our employees to offer innovative suggestions for improvement in the field of environmental protection. We strive to form greener production processes and ecological products that consume less energy, generate less waste and are more environmentally friendly. Within the integrated quality policy for the field of energy, we have defined that by selecting environmentally friendly technologies and services, managing risks in the field of energy, and encouraging activities to increase energy efficiency, we will continuously preserve and positively impact the environment. Thus, the company's employees are actively working on establishing new energy efficiency processes, using energy sources from renewable sources, and those with the least possible consequences for the environment. The company's efforts in environmental protection are directed in two basic directions: in terms of products and services we offer to our clients ("external"), and those in the regular business of the company ("internal"). EXTERNAL ACTIVITIES: Several projects are underway, as well as several references behind us in which our efforts in environmental protection are visible. They represent the construction of several cogeneration systems, as well as several biogas plants, and the company still intends to focus on this area. In addition, ENISON d.o.o. actively participates in preparations for the introduction of hydrogen as an energy source both in means of transport and in heating and cooling systems. Hydrogen is recognized as the "fuel of the future", because its harmful emissions are zero, and the process of obtaining hydrogen as an energy source is very harmless to the environment. INTERNAL ACTIVITIES: The company is just completing the process of complete digitalization of all business processes that are part of our business. This will significantly contribute to reducing paper consumption as well as reducing fuel consumption for the vehicles we use to be as present as possible on our construction sites. The company - instructed by the experience of the pandemic crisis - has undertaken numerous activities so that employees can carry out their work "from home". This represents additional savings in the use of energy in the company's regular operations. Activities and projects for environmental protection and sustainable development are an integral part of the business plan of ENISON d.o.o., and relate to three defined key areas. These are: CLIMATE CHANGES Aware of the impact of climate change on a global level, we undertake and plan a number of projects and activities related to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, increasing energy efficiency. The company is focused on finding ways to produce, store, and use energy sources that will ensure the reduction of harmful emissions. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION From the aspect of environmental protection, health and safety, special attention is paid to safety at work, improvement of environmental protection, reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, rational use of energy and giving preference to suppliers who adhere to the same principles. Reducing paper consumption in the office is also an important activity, to which a lot of attention is paid. HEALTH AND SAFETY AT WORK Our industry requires a high degree of health and safety protection, therefore ENISON d.o.o. established a comprehensive management system for health and safety at work, and special attention is paid to ensuring safe work and reducing risks associated with daily activities, maintaining and improving health, continuing education, training, information and active involvement of employees in improving these activities. These are some of the principles that ENISON d.o.o. holds in its efforts to protect the environment: ➢ Investments will be carefully selected, taking into account the impact on energy and environmental efficiency, and solutions that have a lower environmental impact than solutions with the same basic function will be ordered. ➢ Green public procurement will be promoted when engaging companies for the procurement of goods / services / works. ➢ The selection requirements when purchasing ICT solutions and equipment will be focused on 3 areas - energy consumption, life extension and product management after the end of life. Thus, hardware solutions will consume less energy to increase energy efficiency (= better resource efficiency) through lower power consumption and the purchase of batteries that have a longer lifespan. Equipment life cycle costs = financial savings will also be considered. The emphasis will be on eco-friendly products that are made from recycled materials. Thus, the best available technologies will be used, and natural resources will be replenished through proper waste sorting and storage and recycling. ➢ Waste will be sorted separately by type and storage rules until handed over to the competent authorities, and when possible it will be "directly" recycled. In this way, it will contribute to respecting the limitations that exist in the use of natural resources and will promote sustainable production and consumption so that economic growth does not necessarily mean environmental degradation.